Looks count a lot to the pretty female finch on the lower perch.
Given a choice, there is no question. She will go for her own kind, mating with the male with the same head colour as her - black.
Decisions, decisions .... a female Gouldian finch chooses between black and red males. Photo: Sarah Pryke
But if a redhead is her only option, she will do something extraordinary, Sydney scientists have found. She will produce many more sons than daughters after mating.
The research is the best evidence yet that birds can control the sex of their offspring.
With the help of some black dye, to cover up the red and trick the females, the researchers also showed the female Gouldian finches determined their offspring's sex based on the male appearance alone.
When black females thought they were mating with black males they had about equal numbers of sons and daughters.
A Macquarie University biologist, Sarah Pryke, said there was no chemical or genetic interaction between the parents at work. "Change the colour of the male's head with dye and the sex ratio changes."
She said her team's study raised the question of whether other animals, perhaps even humans, have this ability to influence whether boys or girls are born.
"This discovery will change our understanding of sex determination across the animal kingdom," said Dr Pryke, whose study is published in the journal Science.
How the Australian finches, which are an endangered species, subconsciously do it "is a big mystery," she said, but one possibility is that the sight of a mate with a differently coloured head raises female stress levels, producing hormones that interrupt the normal processes of fertilisation.
Why they do it is more clear. When finches with differently coloured heads mate - which happens about 30 per cent of the time in the wild - their babies are much more likely to die than in same colour unions.
The risk of death for the girls is also higher than for the boys.
A black female with no option but to mate with a red male, or vice versa, will go ahead anyway, but "make the best of a bad situation", Dr Pryke said.
By skewing their offspring's sex ratio, so four times more boys than the vulnerable girls are born, they maximise their chances of some chicks surviving.
Evidence of skewed sex ratios in humans include findings that optimistic women are more likely to have boys and women living under harsh conditions tend to have girls. "There is often a large increase in males produced after wars," Dr Pryke said. ( smh.com.au )
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